be comparable to

网络 比得上
- The steps required for other distributions should be more or less comparable to those outlined here.
其他发行版所需的步骤应该会比这里讲述的步骤多或者少。 - There is little to choose between USB2.0 and FireWire in terms of speed: although USB2.0 has a higher quoted speed, in practice they both tend to be comparable due to differences in the protocols.
从速度来看,在USB2.0和FireWire之间没什么可选择的:虽然USB2.0报出的速度较高,实际上因为协议不同,它们都是差不多的。 - Internal decontamination requirements would be comparable to isolators.
内部净化要求不低于隔离器。 - The Four Tragedies of the Zaju in the Yuan Dynasty are the fine works in the Chinese classical dramas, which can even be comparable to that of William Shakespeare.
元杂剧的四大悲剧是中国古典戏剧中的精品,可与莎士比亚大师的四大悲剧相媲美。 - By 2008, the environmental quality in Beijing will be comparable to that of major cities in developed countries.
到2008年,北京的环境质量将可以和发达国家主要城市的环境质量相媲美。 - Plane wave has the overall direction, compared with the normal migration, the plane-wave imaging results can be comparable to, and has a high computational efficiency.
平面波具有全局方向性,相对逐炮偏移而言,平面波偏移成像的结果是可以与其相相比的,并有很高的计算效率。 - We only ask that your prices be comparable to others.
我们只要求你方的价格跟别人的价格差不多就行了。 - The wages of women should be scaled up to comparable to those of men doing comparable kinds of work.
妇女的工资应该相应提高,做到和男人同工同制。 - Since Ship Wood can withstand years of water erosion, is far from the general nature of its wood may well be comparable to wood, so durability is a good ship where the most attractive wood.
船木既然可以抵御海水的多年侵蚀,其木质自然远非一般木材可以比拟,因此良好的耐久性是船木最吸引人的地方。 - If someone sees a case where it is incorrect but does not inquire about it, or sees confusion but does not act to stop it, his crime will be comparable to that of the offender.
如果官长发现不属于自己的士兵而不加盘问,见到行列混乱而不加制止,就和犯错误的人同罪。 - It would be comparable to buying a new computer disk.
这可以跟新购买的电脑磁盘相比较。 - The French foreign minister, Christian Pineau, records Adenauer as saying that France and England will never be powers comparable to the United States
根据阿登纳的回忆,法国的外交部长克里斯安安?比诺当时说的是:法国和英国再也不会成为可以和美国相提并论的大国了 - A dark, fine-grained igneous rock; diabase. The amphibolite and basic granulite may be comparable to the world's metamorphic tholeiite.
粗玄岩,辉绿岩一种暗色微粒火成岩;辉绿岩斜长角闪岩和基性麻粒岩可与世界变质拉斑玄武岩对比。 - Cpe-sw will strictly comply with all relevant statutory regulations, which shall be comparable to that of the company's standard, pertaining to occupational safety and health and environmental protection which are applicable to the local where Jinqiu TPO feed design is performed.
cpe-sw应严格遵守所有相关法规,这些法规应不低于公司标准,是关于职业安全与健康以及环境保护的,适用于金秋项目的前端工程设计现场。 - 167. Civil service pay levels should in principle be broadly comparable to those in the private sector.
167.公务员的薪酬水平,原则上应和私营机构的大致相同。 - The careful process of reasoning can be comparable to mathematic reasoning.
这种严谨的演绎推理过程,是可以和数学推理比美的。 - We only ask that your prices be comparable to others. that's reasonable, is not it?
我们只要求你方的价格能和别人差不多就行了。这个要求很合理,对不对? - To some people, the question to clone or not to clone, in a sense, could be comparable to the question to be or not to be.
对某些人来说,克窿不克窿的问题在某种意义上可以比作是生还是死的问题。 - It could very well be comparable in size to Atlantis itself.
很可能有亚特兰蒂斯那么大。 - In other words, the reason this result happens is because there aren't a bunch of other levels up here that eventually get to be comparable to kT.
换句话说,这个结果产生的原因,是没有一系列的其他能级上升到这儿,最终达到和kT类似的能级。 - The amphibolite and basic granulite may be comparable to the world's metamorphic tholeiite.
斜长角闪岩和基性麻粒岩可与世界变质拉斑玄武岩对比。 - Our estimates show the error to be comparable to a standard Galerkin finite element method using piecewise linear polynomials.
估计结果表明本文格式的精度和使用分片线性多项式的标准有限元方法相当。 - The results are found to be comparable to those using liquid electrolytes.
所得结果与使用液体电解质组装的大阳电池具有一定的可比性。 - In respect of fruit ripening date and other econmic characters, Pearl pear can be comparable to the two very early ripening pear varieties-Beurre Giffard and Madeleine, widely grown in the world.
极早熟珍珠梨在果实成熟期和经济性状方面,接近或超过世界各国曾广泛栽培的极早熟梨品种伏茄梨(BeurreGiffard)和小伏梨(Madeleine)品种。 - Multimedia application in College English teaching, and learning has advantages which can not be comparable to when using this facilities, the teacher should realize its new demands, which can not be considered as a snack and neglected over conventional teaching.
多媒体英语教学具有传统教学不可比拟的许多优势,它对英语教师提出了一系列新的要求。在运用多媒体进行英语教学时切忌简单化。 - Interesting natural in days for the ultimate pursuit of style, artistic style characteristics to be comparable to the achievements and Yixing. ( 3) Yixing artistic achievements of Chen.
以天趣自然为最终追求风格,从而得以成就与紫砂相媲美的艺术风格特征。 - However, for those core teachers who have already obtained some achievement, the effect of their self-developments can not be comparable to the prospective effect of those young teachers.
然而有些已经发展到一定程度的骨干教师,他们的专业发展却没有像青年教师那样实现预期的目标。 - Recently, the low-temperature heat transport in a mesoscopic dielectric system in which the wavelength of thermal phonons can be comparable to the geometrical size of the system has attracted much attention both experimentally and theoretically.
近年来,微结构的尺寸可与结构的声子波长相比拟的介观系统的低温热输运已经引起了实验和理论研究的广泛兴趣。 - Most of the current real-time SAR imaging system is based on the DSP as the core computing unit and can get submeter resolution, image quality may be similar and comparable to the use of optical image.